
Step 1: Inventory Items

painting = { 
    name = 'painting', 
    label = 'Painting', 
    weight = 1000, 
    type = 'item', 
    image = 'painting.png', 
    unique = true, 
    useable = false, 
    shouldClose = true, 
    description = 'A painting from the Vinewood Art Museum' 

statue = { 
    name = 'statue', 
    label = 'Statue', 
    weight = 1000, 
    type = 'item', 
    image = 'statue.png', 
    unique = true, 
    useable = false, 
    shouldClose = true, 
    description = 'A statue from the Vinewood Art Museum' 

goldenegg = { 
    name = 'goldenegg', 
    label = 'Golden Egg', 
    weight = 1000, 
    type = 'item', 
    image = 'goldenegg.png', 
    unique = true, 
    useable = false, 
    shouldClose = true, 
    description = 'The Golden Egg from Vinewood Art Museum' 

pink_keycard = { 
    name = 'pink_keycard', 
    label = 'Pink Keycard', 
    weight = 1000, 
    type = 'item', 
    image = 'pink_keycard.png', 
    unique = true, 
    useable = false, 
    shouldClose = true, 
    description = 'A keycard to something...but you don\'t know what' 
["painting"] = {
  label = "Painting",
  weight = 1000,
  stack = false,
  close = true,
  description = "A painting from the Vinewood Art Museum",
  client = {
      image = "painting.png",
["statue"] = {
    label = "Statue",
    weight = 1000,
    stack = false,
    close = true,
    description = "A statue from the Vinewood Art Museum",
    client = {
        image = "statue.png",
["goldenegg"] = {
    label = "Golden Egg",
    weight = 1000,
    stack = false,
    close = true,
    description = "The Golden Egg from Vinewood Art Museum",
    client = {
        image = "goldenegg.png",
["pink_keycard"] = {
    label = "Pink Keycard",
    weight = 1000,
    stack = false,
    close = true,
    description = "A keycard to something...but you don't know what",
    client = {
        image = "pink_keycard.png",

Step 2: Inventory Images

Inventory images are included with the resource. Extract the images from the imagesCopy folder and place them in the folder that contains the rest of your inventory images.